It’s a story about a man falling from a building. At every floor he repeats to himself: « so far so good ! »But the most important thing is not the fall but the landing ! I grew up in a disadvantaged district but my parent moved to a better place. It’s where l found motorcycle. There was a forest close and l used to take my motorcycle after school everyday. After many years of riding world and French championship l wanted to go back to my roots! I have been riding all around the world for many year with the best partners and my friend, the movie director Fabien Didelot. I still wanted to make a ride in my neighborhood of birth. This movie called « La peine » means l feel sorry for those who don’t get chance to move out from there!
Pictures by loic Benoit
5 Responses
It never ceases to amaze me the things a truly talented rider can accomplish on a Trials Bike . Fact is I learned my big boy skills ( transitioning from MiniBike to M/C ) riding a Trials bike back in the day ( trust me I was never this good ) Those skills I learned saved my posterior more than once from the gaping jaws of ” The Sausage Creature ” .. both on road … and off .
As for the text/story line … damn that’s depressing . Maybe the true meaning has been ” Lost in Translation ” .. cause the video is anything but depressing
Nice one Wolves . Molto Grazie for posting it . Y’all made my afternoon .
Rock On – Ride On – Remain Calm ( despite it all ) – Carry On … and what ever you do … DO NOT drink the worldwide Corporate Oligarchy ( and the American Evangelical ) Koolade .. 😎
Daniel Craig did similar tricks in one of the Bond films.
Yeah … well son … the difference is ;
1) The above video is REAL .. whereas the Bond movie fluff is ALL CGI ( computer graphic imagery ) since 90’s .. plain and simple .
2) What little is ‘ real ‘ in Bond movies ( couple of shots of a rider on the bike as well as using the ‘ rider ‘ to create CGI reference points ) was performed by a stuntman … not Daniel Craig
In other words … tis a case of the REAL [ this video ] versus the Virtual [ Bond stunts .. and 99.999% of all movie stunts over the last two decades ] .. e.g. .. there is no comparison
Sheesh son … yer really beginning to wear on me .. especially since I thought I’d retired as a teacher .
I’m pretty sure Craig did his own stunts. I know Matt Damon did in the Bourne movies..
Seriously Fieldsy ? Suffice it to say … neither has ever so much as attempted to do their own stunts … nor would the studios who own them or the insurance companies that insure them ever allow them to attempt it .
Suffice it to say … once again … you’re yet another in the long line of victims / suckers falling for YouSteal bs .
Hmmm … you’d probably vote for True pas well if you were a Yank !