A true gentleman, a man of our world, this is our friend Toño, one of those special beings that have understood the fragility of human destiny and the need to caress the soul. A true biker, with thousands of miles across the globe. Crossed India in Vespa. Thailand on a small two stroke bike… Knows Spain like the back of his hand, thanks to the miracles of his tired Shovelhead and a hoarse rear cylinder… or his beaten BSA, a flawed british sporty… We love Toño ’cause he brings us light, and love his optimistic artwork. Mr Merinero quitted a well rewarded job in advertising a decade ago, to travel the worlds and do what he believed in most; share & pursue a plural artistic vision but always faithful to the eyes of the Madrid boy, who once signed a pact with the devil to stay true, stay put.
7 Responses
>He is a great artist, and I'm a fan. In 2010 we asked him to be our first guest artist to design our 49 Mile T shirt, and it was big hit. Here is his design: http://bybikenglish.blogspot.com/2010/10/on-comission-for-san-francisco-49-mile.html
>you're a man of great tastes Pete.
Have I ever told u?
>I'll send you a check in the mail. 🙂
>Interesante personaje Merinero. Me gustan los collages.
>A lovely man. G
>woah! so cool!!