Note from the editor:
A small business is an amazing opportunity to leave an impact in the world we live in, real product with real stories. We know that, but sometimes its excessive maneuverability and multi tasking demands can, and do, get out of control. This is the case of our latest collaboration with Alpha Industries, the inventor and foremost manufacturer of the iconic MA-1 Bomber jacket. Chatting the other day with our dear wolf bro Ben Birkl from Alpha Industries about the details of the launch in such messed up times, we were both bewildered realizing that this collaboration was decided somewhere around 2015! 5 years, (WTF!@#), to see the light, (a lifetime in wolf years), and shows the enduring passion and dedication we put on everything we do. This is why at El Solitario we are stoked to bring you this rad product that constitutes another beautiful mile mark in the history of our brand.
Another side of the story also worth telling, is how we had to reshoot all the photographic material 48 hours before the scheduled launch, while COVID-19 was at the top of its game burning Europe from head to toe. The original plans for the Alpha Wolf MA-1 Jacket launch was with a rad photo shoot partying hard in the streets of Toulouse by our brother Polo Garat, ready since Autumn 2019. With half humanity locked down , we felt how totally inappropriate this was, and realized we needed a new plan and had no time to react. Our best bid was to call our wolf family in Seoul, the No.1 country that has shown the world how to behave in these times of uncertainty and solidarity. We knew they were free to roam the streets and proposed them a apocalyptic road plan to shoot our latest wolf. I must admit that I had no words when 24 hours after I received these amazing photographic work that transcended the importance of the garment we were trying to show leaving a proof and and amazing narrative on what the world had to go through in 2020.
Non est ad astra mollis e terris via

Thanks you to all of you that make our life so beautiful and mostly to Polo Garat, Zoomaster, Motorino and Ben Birkl. You’re rad!
6 Responses
Damn … me likes …. me wants ….
Ride On – Rock On – Remain Calm ( this too shall pass ) and until we can hook up and do some business … do Carry On …. ” my wayward sons ”
” It’s the end of the world as we know it … and I feel fine ”
You could wear it under your Sons of Anarchy cut.. 😉
For your edification Splinky
A ‘ cut ‘ is something you get when you play with sharp objects and big boy toys better off left to the adults in the room .
A Kutte ( or alternatively ‘ Kut’ ) is what you wear to identify the 1% biker ‘ gang ‘ you belong to [ top rocker ] and which chapter [ bottom rocker ] you are in
And for your further edification – 1%er 101 for Dummies ;
NEVER wear any Kutte .. be it a TV series souvenir .. novelty .. or one you made up … with the name of a town , city or state on the bottom ‘rocker ‘ . Doing so will end you up six feet under as fertilizer in some farmers field … guaranteed .
Welcome to the big leagues son … where reality comes crashing down on fantasy crushing it into the dirt ( virtual or otherwise ) each and every time
Gee …. aint that clever … for a ten year old .
Thanks coach.
Guitarslinger and I are interested to know what El Solitario thinks of kutte-off vests?