Even though Donald Trump thinks global warming is a concept invented by the Chinese, in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive, the truth is that the 130km/h winds that destroyed the village of W&W at La Cite del Ocean the Tuesday of the 12 of June are not normal in the South of France! Still remember Vincent Prat’s call at 09:30 AM that same Tuesday while we were driving to Biarritz: The Village is totally wrecked! I can see tents flying over the road 20 at meters height. Its a dantesque scene and we don’t know what to do. If we cancel now its over. Trenched on the van for 12 hours with the worst news circling our heads, couldn’t help but think about our very own Altamont and the end of the hippy era.
City officials rushed to find a solution and offered the organization to host the Festival in the halls of the Halle Iraty. In shock but with nothing else to lose, the management didn’t sleep for the next 72 hours and when the doors opened on Thursday afternoon, the general feelings were of bolster and support. It is disasters like this that mark the ending of a festival and in the case of a festival, as core as Wheels and Waves, these could mark the end of a movement too.

The overall feeling in the emergency village was similar to the atmosphere you could expect in a disaster relief operation and most surprising was the overwhelming solidarity radiated by the beautiful crowds that travel yearly to Biarritz celebrating freedom on two wheels. It was rad to see the coolest dudes and babes riding every evening into the improvised venue, with their sometimes broken bikes and muddy faces, after the races, to push together and save Wheels and Waves. Their joy and self held responsibility in the wellbeing of the festival was so rad to witness that it hit a few soft spots on our amped up brains, reminding us how proud we were of belonging to something so cool, even if ourselves, some times, took it for granted and complained.
Paramount was the excellence of the Art Ride and dear good old racing, which stronger than ever, was there to rescue and save the worlds coolest lifestyle event. The good health of #punkspeak the great scenery of the #swankrally and the confirmation of #elrollo as the worlds most charming flat track race, diluted the climatic catastrophe making the 7th edition our favorite W&W so far. Of course we shouldn’t forget mentioning that all of these rad activities were carried under the influence of the good spirits of El Solitario Outlaw Whisky Collection. The wolves latest step towards the quality control of every aspect of our lives and taste. The rest I don’t remember… Gasoline and Whisky? Someone said it was a great idea.. Fuckyeh!@#
Wolf dixit

U N D E R T H E I N F L U E N C E ⚡️ E.S.O.W.C.
Photos by Gonzo Arroyo, Amaury Cibot, Herman Kopf, Olivier Schindler and Fabio Affuso
Thanks to Alpinestars, Ride 100%, Shoei & Dunlop Spain
2 Responses
Sorry it all had to hit home like that to bring out the inner militant in you guys when it comes to our Herr Drumpf ( or the blithering blatherskite as I call him ) but you’re here and welcome to the .. DMZ ?
Here in colorful Colorado we’re experiencing the worst fire season in the state’s history to the point of closing down forests , parks and campgrounds due as I like to say ( in a moment of HST ) .. to climate change that does not exist and fires that are a mere figment of my left of center warped imagination .
How bad is bad ? The entire front range has been constantly inundated in a smoke filled haze since May due to fires west , north and and south as well as in surrounding states . Golly I jes loves chewing my air afer breathing it .. cough … hack… ackkkkkkk …..
So here we go … us against Drumpf and his sycophant quisling minions otherwise known in my book as …
” The Collective Stupidity of America ”
( A term I coined that I placed in the public domain the moment I came up with it )
Damn .. if things get any worse we may end up with our very own US of A version of a Franco .
To end on a positive .. great photos and essay despite the surrounding tragedy .
Rock On – Ride On – Remain Calm ( despite all the neo-populist bs worldwide ) – and do Carry On … and err … should push come to shove … Hayduke lives ( ” The Monkey Wrench Gang ” by Edward Abbey )
Don’t believe all the fake news. It’s been scientifically debunked! Keep on howlin’ brother. Peace