Dear Solitarians, it is January 2016 and we would like to wish you a happy new year and many moons to howl along your dearest wolves. There is nothing more sacred in life so fight for these moments and push to make them happen! Said this, from the confines of El Solitario, we feel the need to explain why we will not follow this year’s Winter Sales scheme, as some of you are kindly asking us. We have nothing against putting on sale a determined product, or make sales on an extraordinary date or event, but this periodical mandatory sales, dictated by the calendar, are the symptom of a consumption culture, that is threatening all rational and even human life on earth. We are using the resources of two planets, as we speak, and if we don’t play smart, this reckless getaway will catch us from behind biting hard. El Solitario wants to have a sustainable business and we want to enjoy this with our kids, in a beautiful world like we have now. In this future; we will do like our grandfathers; We will buy less things and at a higher price; but these things will be made to last. Like in the good old days before IKEA culture invaded our morale. Technological innovation and social responsibility will reduce the impact manufacturing has on the the planet’s resources and things will be recycled when they’re absolutely done for the original use. Nothing revolutionary just common sense. At El Solitario we love designing, creating and coming up with better products and ideas but we hate selling. We just can’t help it, and we’re even more reluctant to succumb into the classic clauses that dictate how to run a “successful” business in this mad land. We know this comes at a premium tag but we believe its the only way to offer good quality garments & accessories designed to last. Using small traditional family manufacturers to make our collections, is only one of these values that conform our driving force. Of course this narrative will only survive if we firmly believe in it, and defend ourselves from the urges of short term profits and growth demands. The learning curve has been steep these 4 years, and we know now that there is bad growth, but also know that good growth is possible too! We will keep making long lasting products that fulfill our ideals and make a fair profit on them, not more not less, so we don’t need to put them on sale, because they were overpriced in the first place, as everybody around us seems to be doing. Because we stand behind these ideals, then the more that El Solitario expands its market share the better. We are together helping re-humanize products, manufacturing and purchasing behaviors. We want sophisticated customers that thoughtfully buy and use our products, not taking them for granted, even if we need to sacrifice sales to achieve this! Customers that enjoy the global approach we emboss in each and every atom of our universe. In sum, we do not have anything for sale this winter because we are not going to do as we are told!@# And I almost forget… Our prices necessary need to go up this February, as after four years untouched, we need to adequate them to the increased cost of living. Ride free amigos
Old Wolf
Kudos to Matt Bidault for the killer photo and his job trying to save the Oceans
19 Responses
Buen dia, os sigo desde hace tiempo, me parece muy interesante el trabajo que haceis asi como la linea de productos que teneis y dicho esto comentaros que no vendria mal la opcion de idioma castellano,por desgracia aun somos muchos los que no entendemos ni papa.
The one and only, no doubts. Please keep on following this way, dont change!!! EL SOLITARIO forever!!! Xx
Gracias chicos!!!!!! THX!!!!!
Querido Baque no escribimos en castellano por falta de tiempo :((( Solo somos 3 para todo, lo que basicamente nos confina a poder sofocar solo los fuegos mas cercanos.
Un saludo a todos y gracias otra vez por seguirnos con ilusión!
You guys have been my favorite moto builders since I found you on the internet. This kind of ethical practice just reinforces that. You’re an inspiration to small upstarts like ours. You guys are true visionaries and real leaders. You value what’s important and that is so refreshing. Thank you.
Being an inspiration is the biggest honor we can think of
Thank you
Que grandes sois COÑO!!
Theoretically this could be all valid. In practice and deep in the bottom this is part of your growth strategy of differentiation. For what such differentiation thant to increase prices and sales!???
Pedro we don’t quite get what you are trying to say. Could you rephrase your question please? Thanks
Yo creo que el caballero quiere decir que entiende que esta acción es parte de vuestra estrategia de posicionamiento, pero creo que está ofuscado con que eso signifique subir los precios sin una justificación que él pueda comprender. Es así, Pedro? Llamándote Pedro, supongo que entenderás castellano…
Lo que claramente falta es una camiseta asequible para los que os admiramos podamos lucir con orgullo, yo compré en California una camiseta a los Old Crow Que tiene un logo pequeño en el frontal a la izquierda, yo entro grande detrás, blanca, pues eso, sacar una edición de 20/ 25 € de diseño chulo y que lo que lo pete!!! Y alguna pegatina para poner a mi Vespa la loca …
Oido cocina! Aunque pegatas claro que tenemos y son gratis con cada compra
Claro que es una estrategia de diferenciación, pero cónsona con los valores de la marca, Well done El Solitario! #LongLiveTheBigBadWolf
Todavia sin creernos el revuelo que ha montado este post, de lo que si que estamos orgullosos es de ver signos de recuperación de nuestro blog!!! Casi una docena de comentarios en un post es algo que no veíamos desde hace años y nos mola! Muerte a facebook y mucho GAS Solitarios!
Still not believing the repercussion of this post, but we feel fucking proud that our blog is finally showing signs of good health!!!! Almost a dozen comments on this thread shows we are doing something right and that we can make it!!! Screw Facebook & Keep on speeding Solitarians!@#$
God damn words!!
No growth in comfort zone, and ain’t no comfort in growth zone.
Hit ’em wolf!!