What to say about the great Galicia, land of many legends, brave sailors and powerful witchery. Galicia, our home, is the forgotten land. Historically considered the end of the world until Cristopher Colombus discovered the circumference of the earth in the year 1492, Galicia always remained isolated even from Spanish affairs, and still does nowadays. At the extreme west of Europe, the Atlantic Ocean has always fiercely defied its inhabitants and you can feel this millennial battle in the ruggedness of its people. Enjoy our voyage watching the images we captured on expired Kodacolor Portra 400 film and Olympus OM-1 & a Trip 35 in the Cies Islands, (a now deserted place where the the wilderness has taken over civilization to stay), and try to experience the mystery & the magnetic properties of this sanctuary always under the close surveillance of the forbidding seagulls.
- Hell’s Hole, as it is known, is this wild chimerical spot in the Middle Island which is as extraordinary as disquieting.
2 Responses
what a beautiful scenery, love to visit there someday! keeping my fingers crossed!
See u soon!