We are a band of brothers with connections all across the globe that have a common goal; to have good times and make rad stuff. Simple shit no ones dares to make these days. When we succeed, we raise the exhilaration content of the universe. We even raise it a little bit when we fail. Another sibling of this enduring collaboration program with our friends, are these goggles with 100%.
The Limited Ed. El Solitario Barstow Goggles by RIDE100% embody the provocative renegade style of both these companies.
Photos by Maxwell Aurelien James
San Diego, USA and A Coruña, Spain – The 100% brand and El Solitario announce the release of their latest collaboration: The maverick and roamer spirit of El Solitario combined with the innovative, technical motocross heritage of 100% have resulted in the birth of a new adventure Goggle. Embodying the provocative renegade style and authentic craftsmanship of both companies, the elegance and styling of El Solitario´s Barstows compels riders to get outside, ride and take the long dreamed-of journey.